Antrel Rolle Criticizes His New Coaches and Teammates: High-priced, offseason free agent acquisition Antrel Rolle took his new coaches and teammates to task yesterday during a WFAN interview. 

“It just felt like the team was very, very flat,” Rolle said. “We weren’t into the game, there was no swagger, it actually drove me crazy. I don’t really understand what it was. I felt like I was trying to get myself excited, trying to get myself pumped, I just felt we had too much down time doing nothing, just relaxing and it carried over into the game. We’re playing a Sunday night game, got to Indy 3 o’clock Saturday, we had that entire day sitting around not doing much, next day sitting around not doing much.”

“Getting to a stadium three hours and 15 minutes before a game, I’ve never heard of that,” Rolle said. “Two hours is more than enough time to get done what you need to get done. It’s pretty much unheard of. I feel like we were way too relaxed.”

Rolle was also asked about the team’s defensive game plan against the Colts. “I don’t feel the game plan was right but I don’t feel it was wrong,” responded Rolle. “I don’t think the game plan was perfect, probably could have been called in a little different format but there were calls made for us to prevent what they were doing. The necessary adjustments might not have been made. I also think us as players could have executed the plays a little bit differently. We were in a cover 2 system pretty much the entire night. I don’t think the coaches gave us a chance and I don’t think we gave ourselves a chance.”

Rolle was then asked about the attitude in the locker room following the game. “I saw some things I wasn’t too fond of in that locker room,” said Rolle. “I felt like there was no one who stepped up to the plate when the opportunity presented itself. I don’t take anything away from any player, I love my teammates, they are warriors. I felt in a situation like that something should have been done to a higher extent. I definitely see things here and there. It’s not all with the players. There’s a lot of other things that goes on behind closed doors people don’t know about. Things have to change. If you want to have that dog mentality sometimes you need to let those players be a dog. Everything in this organization is controlled.”

Brandon Jacobs Denies He Wants to Be Traded: Contrary to press reports after the loss to the Colts on Sunday night, HB Brandon Jacobs said yesterday he does not want to be traded from the Giants.

“I talked to (General Manager) Jerry (Reese) and (Head) Coach (Tom) Coughlin (on Monday),” said Jacobs. “Both of them asked to speak with me. I didn’t request a meeting with them. I have not demanded a trade and have no plans to demand a trade. The only demand I am making right now is of myself, to be the best player I can be and to help this team win.”

Notes: The Giants have not had an individual 100-yard rusher in 13 consecutive games, their longest streak since they went 23 games in a row from 1995-97.