January 30, 2008 New York Giants Injury Report:  Yesterday, the Giants returned to the practice field for the first time since Saturday.  The Giants worked in shorts and shells.  “I’m more concerned about speed and the execution,” said Head Coach Tom Coughlin.  “We’ve played a lot of games and we’ve been pretty physical in those games.”

Despite saying he was at 97 percent on Tuesday, WR Plaxico Burress (ankle) did not practice on Wednesday.  “Hopefully, he’ll work tomorrow,” said Coughlin.

LG Rich Seubert (knee) and CB Kevin Dockery (hip) were limited.

The Giants reported no new incidents of the flu. “Today (on Wednesday), we had no new incidents,” said Coughlin. “We have some guys with head colds. As far as anybody being ill or having a temperature, we didn’t have any today.”

“We had good energy,” said Coughlin of yesterday’s practice.  “Obviously you’d like to squeeze all the detail work down and make sure everything is perfect. I thought the energy was good, which I expected. They are excited. No doubt about it.”

Articles on QB Eli Manning:

Articles on the Giants’ Offensive Line:  Blue-Collar Giants Revel in Unity and Obscurity by Bill Pennington The New York Times

Article on OC/OG Grey Ruegamer:  Giants’ Ruegamer Honors Pat Tillman by Ohm Youngmisuk of The Daily News

Article on DE/DT Justin Tuck:  As Tuck Would Have It, Justin Dreams MVP by Paul Schwartz of The New York Post

Article on the 1968 Jets Weighing In on Super Bowl XLII:  Old Jets Feel Super About Giants by Rich Cimini of The Daily News

Quotes:  Patriots’ WR Randy Moss on the Giants wearing black when they arrived in Arizona on Monday: “Yeah, you’re supposed to wear black to a funeral.  We’ll see who has black on after the game.”

LT David Diehl on the possibility of producing the greatest upset in Super Bowl history:  “I don’t know.  None of that matters.  None of those words matter.  The only thing that matters is champion.  That’s the only thing that matters at the end of it.  Obviously, we’ve been the underdog all season.  We’ve been the guys that people thought we could never get to this point, but throughout all the adversity, the character of this team has been tested and we’ve pushed through it.  I think through adversity we’ve shown persistence, perseverance.  Those are the things that have gotten us to this point.  When things haven’t gone our way we didn’t sulk on them, we didn’t lean back and say, ‘I can’t believe this happened.’  The only way to correct it is to go back to work and focus forward and focus on that next game and the next task at hand, and that’s been the case this season.  When things the week before haven’t gone our way, or if things the week before have gone our way, we’ve watched film, we’ve learned from it, and tried to become a better football team from those experiences, and that’s the true sign of a team.”