Reggie Torbor Signs His Tender: According to and The Daily News, restricted free agent LB Reggie Torbor has signed his 1-year, $850,000 tender.

New York Giants Injury Update: LB Antonio Pierce said he underwent surgery last month to repair torn ligaments in his right index finger, which he played with all of last season. The right hand was also broken.

WR Amani Toomer, who underwent knee surgery to repair an ACL last season, says he is recovering well and expects to be able to participate in summer training camp practices. “I’m running,” said Toomer. “I’m just trying to get my conditioning together like I’d ordinarily do at this time of the year, trying to start sprinting again and trying to get everything going again. It is a serious injury, but I think the way that the injury has progressed, it hasn’t been – a lot of people have come back from it and done the same if not better. It’s not an injury that’s going to affect me, because actually the joint was a lot better than what they anticipated because of the years I’ve been in the league. There was no arthritis or anything. That’s the key factor in why I think that I’ll be able to come back…I think my knee will be 100 percent. I don’t have any reservations. I think I’m progressing really well. Everything is going in the right direction. I’m not afraid. I’m planning on playing in the first couple of games, being in training camp, participating and competing just like I do every year.”

Players Like Steve Spagnuolo’s Defense: LB Antonio Pierce and a couple of other Giants had some nice things to say about new Defensive Coordinator John Spagnuolo yesterday.

“I don’t want to say ‘arrogant,’ but he’s got a little pizazz about him,” said Pierce. “He’s walking around, he’s got his shirt unbuttoned, got a little chain on. He looks like he’s kind of short, but he has a tall stature, how he carries himself. Very humble, he didn’t come in here and try to blow everybody off. He’s tried to get to know everybody…He’s a real straightforward guy. I’ve talked to him a lot. I think (his defense) is going to be fun…You look at what he did in Philly…That defense, when he was there, was always in the top and among the defenses that were feared in the league. That’s something that we need over here. Because as much points or yards as your offense puts up, we need something on the defensive side of the ball. As long as he can make something happen with the linebackers and the defense, I’m happy with it.”

Pierce believes the Giants will run more of a traditional 4-3 defense under Spagnuolo, rather than former Defensive Coordinator Tim Lewis’ 4-3/3-4 hybrid. “Even though we were considered a 4-3 defense, we used a lot of 3-4 variations,” said Pierce. “That ticked off a lot of guys especially our (defensive) ends. I think this will be more suited for what we’ve got. Our ends can stay outside and let our linebackers and safeties create hell, and see what our corners can do…I’m betting we’re going to be more aggressive than the last two years. I’m hoping our D-linemen will get double-digit sacks. It all goes to our rush, anyway. You give a quarterback three, four seconds to make a throw, somebody’s gonna get open.”

“As a player, you always want to be put in the best position possible,” Pierce said. “(Spagnuolo’s) an Eagle guy. You can tell he’ll take a lot from (Eagles’ Defensive Coordinator) Jim Johnson, and then add his own stuff. After watching Philly for several years, you see what kind of hell and and madness they do with the Giants, blitzing and all that stuff. We won’t be identical to Philly. I’m not Trotter, and we don’t have Jevon Kearse. But we’re going to do it with what we’ve got on our team.”

“I know that our defensive line coach, coach (Mike) Waufle, is very excited about him,” said DE Osi Umenyiora. “He said it’s going to more defensive-line friendly. Last year we were kind of playing like a hybrid 3-4 defense. We were put into situations that were not conducive to speed rushers. He said it’s more defensive line friendly. I’m going off of him. I’m excited if Waufle’s excited.”

“I love (the new defensive scheme),” said CB Sam Madison. “There are some other guys around here that are going to like it, too. It’s something that I’m very used to and I think I can help some of these other guys with it, too. It gives you an opportunity to make a lot of plays. It’s aggressive. It’s very aggressive, so guys will be happy with it if they go out and learn it and apply their skills to it. It can be very successful.”

Article on the New York Giants and the 2007 NFL Draft: Whirlwind Before Draft by Thayer Evans of The New York Times

Notes and Quotes: The Journal News is reporting that there are rumors that the Giants might trade down as many as six spots in the first round in order to obtain an extra 3rd or 4th-round draft pick.

QB Eli Manning will begin to throwing to his receivers in two weeks, that is, the receivers who will be present. TE Jeremy Shockey and WR Plaxico Burress are still no-shows to the offseason strength training and conditioning program. Manning said he would like to get everyone together before the Organized Team Activity (OTA) days begin. “We’re off next week from workouts, so really it’ll be two weeks,” Manning said. “I’ve been in contact with all the receivers and I informed them that’s when we’re going to start up and I’d like to have everybody back then. Hopefully we’ll have a good showing and get some good work in before these practices start up…It’s not going to burn out anybody. Just getting in the flow of things so when you come into (OTA’s and mini-camp) you’re not rusty and you can get into it a little bit better.”

New Quarterbacks Coach Chris Palmer has been working with Manning on his mechanics. “(Palmer) knows a lot of footwork stuff, and he’s got a lot of good ideas for quarterbacks,” Manning said. “He’s got a lot of drills that will help us out…Everybody has different ways of doing different drills. Sometimes it’s good to do different drills. It all accomplishes the same thing. He has a different way of describing it, a different way, different bags, different drills. It keeps it exciting and new.”

LB Gerris Wilkinson on whether or not he can fill the hole at weakside linebacker: “I definitely feel I can step into that role…I feel like I’ve progressed from last year, gotten stronger in the weight room, just gotten a better grasp for playing at this level. I feel like once we finish…mini-camp I’ll go into training camp ready to be a starting linebacker.”

SS Gibril Wilson on his goals for 2007: “I’m on a mission this year. I feel like I have something to prove…I didn’t do a thing (the last two seasons). That has to change.”